The Landmark Designation’s purpose is to honor, preserve, and protect buildings and areas that showcase the past. (Photo: Pexels).
Boulder County has a rich history and residents actively want to preserve aspects of that past. Every May, Boulder County’s legacy is honored during Archaeology and Historic Preservation Month.
In 1974, the City of Boulder created the Historic Preservation Program in response to a citizen-driven effort to recognize and protect buildings and sites important to Boulder’s history. Initially, five individual landmarks were designated, and in 1978 Floral Park was the first historic district established within the city. Since the beginning of the program, more than 1,300 properties have been preserved including nearly 200 individual landmarks and 10 historic districts.
The Historic Preservation program is comprised of several parts:
Landmarks and Historic Districts
The Landmark Designation’s purpose is to honor, preserve, and protect buildings and areas that showcase Boulder’s past. Targeted properties are those of historic, architectural, and aesthetic value. You can search for designated properties by address on the city’s website at:
Demolition review
When someone owns a property over 50 years old and would like to tear it down to build something new, the demolition permit requires approval from the Historic Preservation program. The Demolition Review process is intended to avoid the loss of buildings that have significant historical value.
Design review
If a property is an individual landmark or located in an historic district, and the owner desires to make exterior changes, a review by the Landmarks Board is required before alterations can be made. If approved, the owner is issued a Landmark Alteration Certificate. The intent of the design review is to ensure that the proposed changes won’t destroy the historical significance for which the property was originally landmarked.
Design guidelines
Established Design Guidelines benefit both the owner of the landmarked property and the Landmarks Board. The owner can use the guidelines for ideas on improving the property while maintaining the historic nature of the property. The Landmark Board uses the guidelines as a framework for their decisions in the Design Review approval process.
National Register of Historic Places
In addition to the City of Boulder’s desire to preserve its historic places, there is also a national program that recognizes these sites: The National Register of Historic Places. The National Registry began in 1966, authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act. Boulder has some very special places listed on this registry, with the headliner being the Colorado Chautauqua, designated as a National Historic Landmark and one of 25 properties so designated in the state of Colorado. Other properties on the National Registry are the Arnett-Fuller House at 646 Pearl, Highland School at 885 Arapahoe, Carnegie Library at 1125 Pine, Boulderado Hotel at 2115 13th, Mt. St. Gertrude’s Academy at 970 Aurora, and the Downtown Boulder Historic District. Learn more at:
Finding out about the history of your home
If you are interested in finding out about the past details of your historic home, the Carnegie Library in Boulder has digital records of the Historic Home Inventory and a wealth of information.
By Duane Duggan. Duane has been a Realtor for RE/MAX of Boulder since 1982. Living the life of a Realtor and being immersed in real estate led to the inception of his book, Realtor for Life. For questions, e-mail, call 303.441.5611 or visit